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Netlify CMSからの初期の投稿March 10, 2019

初期 ハンバーガーメニューがどうしてもうまく動かない。 classの書き方が違うみたいでこまった 画像のあと、テキストの追加ができない??? コードの追加テスト 変更2 Rich Textの制度が悪いな~ リンク テスト Code Pen You Tube I'm sure I'll write a lot more interesting things in the future. Vimeo Sound Cloud Spotify I'm sure I'll write a lot more interesting things in the future. Flickr I'm sure I'll write a lot more interesting things in…

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A beginners’ guide to brewing with ChemexJanuary 04, 2017

This week we’ll take a look at all the steps required to make astonishing coffee with a Chemex at home. The Chemex Coffeemaker is a manual, pour-over style glass-container coffeemaker that Peter Schlumbohm invented in 1941, and which continues to be manufactured by the Chemex Corporation in Chicopee, Massachusetts. In 1958, designers at the Illinois Institute of Technology said that the Chemex…

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Just in: small batch of Jamaican Blue Mountain in store next weekJanuary 04, 2017

We expect the shipment of a limited quantity of green beans next Monday. We’ll be offering the roasted beans from Tuesday, but quantities are limited, so be quick. Blue Mountain Peak is the highest mountain in Jamaica and one of the highest peaks in the Caribbean at 7,402 ft. It is the home of Blue Mountain coffee and their famous tours. It is located on the border of the Portland and Saint Thomas…

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